When you are in business, you know that the most important thing you can do is connect with your clientele. You may have a great product or service, but if potential customers cannot relate to your company, you may not find the success you desire. It is very important that part of your marketing strategy is to find ways to become “personal;” with your clients.
There are several ways in which this can be accomplished. However, the following five suggestions are a little more on the creative side, which can give your business that edge it needs over competition.
1. Host A Community Event
Unlike sponsoring a local fair, create a community event that will bring the the public together. Host a picnic or BBQ. Have entertainment for adults and children. Showcase your business as host, but do not make the event about your company. A PR agency Atlanta or Florida based firm, would both agree that when you show the community you care, you can build a trusting and meaningful relationship. This will quickly turn into additional sales and loyal customers.
2. Silent Auction For Charity
Auctions are fun events, but it can benefit area charities and cause everyone to feel good about giving. Your participation in the event, especially if you contribute a large piece to auction, will have a positive impact on the community and your business. Many people are more prone to work with a company that contributes to charities than ones they see as uncaring.
3. Create A Newsletter
You can design it as a digital or paper newsletter or both. Fill it with helpful information, quirky news items and even recipes. Make sure to include an article or two about your product or service, but do not make it the main focus of your bulletin. Allow the clients to feel that it is for entertainment, not a form of advertising. The more creative you are, the larger your following will become.
4. Use Social Media
It is the age of social media. You must take advantage of various sites to promote your business and to connect directly with your customers. Once you create a page, be sure that you maintain your presence on that site with daily updates and quick responses to questions or concerns. At this time, more people are turning to social sites to as the first contact with a company than by any other means.
5. Thank Your Clients
If you really want to stand apart from other companies, go out of your way to thank your clients. Use your mailing list and randomly send out a “Thank You” for their continued support. Offer them a special savings or invite them to a customer appreciation gathering. Making them feel as if they stand out will, in turn, cause your company to stand out.
As you can see, there are many ways that you can engage your clients and potential customers. You must step back and find ways to be creative. By sticking to the same old methods that most companies use, you will not find the success that you desire.
Ieda Vincent enjoys supporting and encouraging small businesses and writes this to inspire and encourage a connection with the consumer. Rountree Group Integrated Communications is a PR agency Atlanta based with many accolades and distinguished awards in their industry. Their objective is to meet the client’s goals with an innovative approach to ensure they stand out among their target audience.
Photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/spine/1010710874/